7: The Holy Spirit (II)

Three pillars of Christianity: The Holy Spirit (II)

Dear friend,

How was the past week? Hope you asked the Holy Spirit into your heart. Sometimes, when we simply ask, the Holy Spirit comes in (Luke 11:13). At other times, we may have someone pray for us (Acts 8:17). At other times still, He may just come in by Himself (Acts 10:44,46).

God wants to be a part of our daily lives. He wants to speak to us, ride with us, teach us to do things. He wants to guide us into new levels, new territories and new experiences.

Some examples:

  • The Holy Spirit sent Ananias to go pray for Paul (Acts 9:11 >>> So the Lord said to him, “Arise and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for one called Saul of Tarsus, for behold, he is praying).
  • The ministry of Paul and Barnabas was initiated by the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:2 >>> As they ministered to the Lord and fasted, the Holy Spirit said, “Now separate to Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them”).

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit gives us gifts that give us abilities that are not normal with mankind (1 Corinthians 12:7+):

  • the message of wisdom
  • the message of knowledge
  • faith
  • Gifts of healing
  • Power to do miracles
  • ability to prophesy
  • discernment of spirits
  • bringing messages from the Spirit in unlearned languages
  • interpreting messages from the Spirit in unlearned languages.

Man is a being with three parts: body, soul and spirit. Feeling is the voice of the body, Reasoning is the voice of the soul, and the Conscience is the voice of the spirit. Man relates with the Holy Spirit with his own spirit. Hence, we often find the Holy Spirit speaking to us in our conscience.

We may not get His voice right from the start, but we are better off starting.

In 1 Samuel 3, God called Samuel:

  • Only Samuel heard,
  • He did not yet know/understand God’s voice.

But it was the last time Samuel had to be pointed to God…He grew!

As we take baby steps in listening to the Holy Spirit, may we grow in Him.

Author: lanrebiblestudy

Seeking to know God for ourselves!

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